BAC-TO-FUEL working on market and business activities

Ignacio Herráez Chamorro, Tech/Commercial at NANOGAP, is carrying on several activities focused on business and market aspects of BAC-TO-FUEL project.

Ignacio Herráez Chamorro, Tech/Commercial at NANOGAP, is carrying on several activities focused on business and market aspects of BAC-TO-FUEL project.

BAC-TO-FUEL project assessment

Following this aim, last week he visited Technische Universität Berlin’s Chemical Institute premises, where he met Professor Dr. Reinhard Schomäcker and his team.

During the meetings, Mr. Herráez and Prof. Dr. Shomäcker’s team discussed the different approaches to be taken into consideration for the techno-economic assessment that is being developed during this stage of the project.

Bac-To-Fuel Berlin laboratory

The aim of this work document is to assess the whole project from an economic and technologic point of view, in order to be able to develop a strategy to ensure the market reach and viability of the whole project, when heading for the next phases of the workplan.